Skip the Straw Program

The Hyannis Main Street  BID is proud to support the Skip the Straw Program!





CARE for the Cape and Islands is launching a plastic-free campaign on Earth Day, Sunday, April 22, with a focus on a Skip the Straw program.  Americans use 500 million drinking straws every single day. They are used for a very short time, are not recycled and often find their way into the ocean where they become litter and a danger to our marine and wildlife. The plastic also endangers our own health.


CARE is asking our restaurant industry to get involved. Any business committed to preserving our fragile environment may sign a pledge on CARE’s website to replace plastic straws with biodegradable paper or reusable straws. In return businesses will be listed on the website with a link, receive marketing materials to display, help to train staff about the program, materials to educate guests and resources such as where to purchase alternative straws and collaborative options for purchasing.


Some Hyannis area restaurants have already been visited by CARE Ambassadors. A group of students from Lighthouse Charter School who learned about this issue at school are helping to spread the word.  To find out more or get involved please visit

Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District