March Newsletter

BID News
Thank you for your support of the 5 Year Renewal of the Hyannis BID!  The vote was a majority in favor. We presented lists of our accomplishments, our strength in collaborations and copies of the member ratified 5 Year Plan. We look forward to working together with everyone to bring even more positive changes to the Main Street Community.
  • If you have not already, please contact [email protected] if you would like to include or update an ad for your Main Street business in our 2018 Hyannis Main Street map.
  • The Hyannis Open Streets Fundraiser Party will be Thursday, March 29th form 5-8 pm at Embargo!
  • The spring colored flags will be going up on the light poles on Main Street in the next few weeks!
  • If you are still dealing with any damage at your property caused by the recent bad weather, please contact us at 508-775-7982, and we will help get in touch with the right people to help.
  • The Cape Cod Melody Tent has generously donated $10,000 for the return of our Singer Songwriter Series on Main Street, which features young, local, singers performing weekly in the summer on Main Street.
  • The move in date for the new Cape Cod Healthcare facilities on North Street has been pushed back, so there is still time to bring us any discounts/promotions/samples to be included in welcome bags for the 200+ employees/potential new customers!
  • There is also still time to be included in our coupon handout to be given out on the CapeFlyer/JFK Hyannis Museum, please email [email protected] with the discount you would like to include.
  • named Hyannis #3 Best Main Street in Massachusetts!
  • A big thanks to everyone who made it out to our Social in David Lawler’s office at 540 Main Street last month. We had about 60 people there and it was a wonderful night for the Main Street community to interact and a great send-off for Bob the mailman!
Please email [email protected] with your mailing address if you would prefer to begin receiving our monthly newsletter by mail.

Business News

  • Congratulations to Kandy Korner on 50 years of business!
  • The LoveLocal Collective will be opening their headquarters at 539 South Street, combining LoveLiveLocal, Shift Eco Boutique, Devinto, The Little Beach Gallery and The Local Juice into a truly local experience that offers visitors a chance to engage with their community.
  • Country Soul has opened in their new location across the street at 605 Main Street.
  • Renovations are underway on the lower level of the JFK Hyannis Museum. This renovation will include an auditorium/media room and a community room, which will allow for year-round use of the space. 
Executive Director Corner
  • Executive Director Elizabeth Wurfbain spoke at a town council homeless committee meeting regarding our concerns and looks forward to continuing and advancing the conversation.
  • Elizabeth has met with the town and is partnering with them to work on the lights on our Main Street trees and they will be doing work to rewire some of the trees.
  • She has attended meetings to work with the Children’s Museum and the Cape Cod Symphony to be located locally to help build up arts and cultural development in Downtown Hyannis.
  • The BID is proud to have supported Rob Brennan’s $14 million development through the planning stages and the project will break ground in April!
The public workshop for the kiosks was very successful. We looked at locations, icons and colors and there was great enthusiasm for these kiosks as a way to tell Main Street’s story and history and attract people to walk the whole district.
Upcoming Events
  • The first Hyannis Open Streets of the season will be on Sunday, April 22, from 12-5 pm, when Main Street will be closed to traffic for biking, walking, and dancing in the streets! If your business or organization would like to get involved, please contact [email protected] or visit the Hyannis Open Streets website.
  • The BID will have a booth at the 60th Annual Home, Garden, and Lifestlye Show hosted by the Rotary Club of Hyannis. Please join us on Sat, March 17th from 10 am – 5 pm and Sun, March 18th from 10 am – 5 pm at Barnstable High School. If you would like to have your own booth at the show, visit the website for the Rotary Club of Hyannis.
If you have anything you would like to include in next month’s newsletter, please email [email protected].
Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District