Cape Cod Healthcare to Relocate Jobs to North Street






New North Street Offices

In an effort to improve working conditions, as well as help revitalize the village of Hyannis, we will be relocating 225 Cape Cod Healthcare jobs to a downtown location at 297 North Street at the west end of Hyannis.  This move is scheduled to take place in early 2018.

The newly renovated office spaces will accommodate members of the Finance, Marketing and Strategy divisions of CCHC. These departments will be located in the building adjacent to the existing offices of the Physician Hospital Organization, increasing our presence and economic support of this area with an influx of more full-time, professional jobs.

We heard from many employees who are currently working at the Comm Way facility that with the growth and complexity of the departments, office space there is at a premium. We hope to alleviate this issue with the relocation of the 225 employees to North Street. Following the move early next year, Comm Way will become an expanded hub for our growing IT operations.

By centralizing the three departments at 297 North Street, we hope to create:

  • Better efficiencies
  • Modern work spaces
  • A nurturing work environment

Not only does this move provide us with better efficiencies and better working conditions, we are also following through on our commitment to be a good corporate neighbor in our community. We have long been dedicated to the economic health of Hyannis and our community. In recent years, we have taken steps to improve and beautify our campus and other facilities in Hyannis and throughout Cape Cod. We have worked closely with the Hyannis Chamber of Commerce and the Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District to support revitalization efforts throughout the town.

This initiative is a win-win for all: CCHC, the community and our workforce. We understand that safe, comfortable and functional work spaces are important to all of us, and we will continue to listen to our employees and respond to your concerns in constructive and creative ways.

Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District