BID Programs

The Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District (BID) works year round to provide a clean, safe and fun destination for all who live and visit here. Our mission is to promote the community and economic development of the Main Street, Hyannis district as a desirable place to live, work, invest, and visit. For more information on the work that the BID does, visit our Accomplishments page.

Safety & Security

The Hyannis Main Street BID works closely with the Barnstable Police to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our residents and guests. With a police station located on Main Street and the presence of officers year-round, people coming to Hyannis Main Street can be assured that it is a safe place to visit and live.

Maintenance & Beautification

The BID oversees many projects along Hyannis Main Street throughout the year including removing graffiti, power washing sidewalks, providing supplemental Saturday trash removal during the summer, supplementing snow removal at intersections, crosswalks and in front of businesses, and working with DPW regarding street sweeping and trash pick-up. The BID also plants and maintains over 100 flower planters and hanging baskets each year giving Main Street added color and beauty. The BID supplies and puts up seasonal street decorations. We provide maintenance services to our members, including helping lobby for renovation funds, removing debris and helping clean up and beautify where needed.


Capital Improvements

Since the BID began in 1999, we have brought in a police station to Main Street, worked with homeless social programs to reduce the impact on the street, lobbied for continued road improvements in the areas surround Main Street and leveraged funding for new street lights. The BID created a WiFi network along Main Street, acquired a GumBuster machine to clean gum off sidewalks and increased and improved signs and banners along Main Street.

Events & Marketing

Each year, the BID organizes several annual events: the Summer Music Stroll with jazz nights and steel drum band nights in July & August; Movies on the Green every Tuesday night; the annual Main Street Fundraiser, the Safe Trick-or-Treat event each Halloween, and the annual Hyannis Village Christmas Stroll with activities and fun for the whole family. In 2012, the BID created the extremely successful Long Table, a fine dining and wine tasting event. The BID contributes to many other events including the Father’s Day Car Show, Castleberry Arts & Crafts Festival, and the 4th of July Parade and Celebration. The BID launched the successful Shop Local and F.O.O.D. District campaigns. We work with local print publications and radio stations to promote the shops, restaurants and events of Main Street and use our facebook page to continually promote and recognize the diversity of what is available on Hyannis Main Street. Check out the BID’s event calendar here.

Grant Programs

This year, we received $15,000 from the town of Barnstable to continue the Baybridge Clean Team project, which employs members of the Baybridge Clubhouse to receive on the job training to work on Main Street and helps its members learn new skills, gain confidence in a working environment, reintegrate into the workforce and find permanent employment. The BID has also partnered with the following businesses to put on the annual Christmas Stroll, Long Table and Summer Music programs: Cape Cod 5, Eastern Bank, TD Bank, Town of Barnstable, Hyannis Area Chamber of Commerce, Rockland Trust, The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, Cape Cod Melody tent, Cape Cod Healthcare, Premier Motors, Xfinity, Eversource, and Cape Cod Realtors Association.

Business Development

The BID continually works with businesses and the Town of Barnstable to advocate for continued improvement on the street. The BID has assisted with the Arts & Culture District designation, launched a free shuttle service for the summer months in partnership with the Town of Barnstable and the Regional Transportation Authority. The BID works with tenants, property owners and realtors to keep spaces occupied with appropriate tenants. We saw 23 new tenants and businesses, 12 rehabilitation projects, and 6 new mixed-use developments approved or under construction on Main Street over the past several years.

Merchant Services & Government Relations

The BID maintains close relationships with its businesses and property owners through monthly newsletters, periodic meetings to discuss and inform various issues of concern to merchants, offering workshops on advertising, web design, window design, customer service needs, regulatory issues and more. The BID works closely with local and state government to lobby for Hyannis Main Street. Over the years, the BID has successfully campaigned to reverse the split tax rate, increased sign allowance for businesses, assist new merchants and developers through the regulatory process, attend meetings for Town Council, Historic Committee, Board of Health, Planning Board and more. The BID also developed the ordinance to allow outdoor dining on sidewalks in Hyannis.









Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District