2024 Small Business Façade Improvement Program Guidelines
Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District Program
In Partnership with the Barnstable Planning & Development Department
The Small Business Façade Improvement Program provides matching grants to commercial property and business owners located in the Hyannis Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) District who are seeking to renovate the street-front exteriors of their structures.
- Funding awards ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 will be issued and payment will be made directly to contractor(s) completing the project. Applicants are required to contribute at least 20% project match (ex: $20,000 project, $16,000 in grant funds and $4,000 match).
- A total of $115,000 in funding is available, with funding from a MassDevelopment TDI Local grant
- Priority will be given to projects that can be completed before June 30th, 2024.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include any building owner or tenant of a commercial or industrial building located in the Hyannis TDI District. All applications from building tenants require the signature and approval of the building owner.
Eligible Improvements
Any new improvement to primary front-facing commercial facades is eligible, such as:
• Signage
• Outdoor seating/Dining Improvements
• Exterior painting and/or Siding
• Landscaping and/or Planter Boxes
• Decorative features (shutters, awnings, etc.)
• Windows/Doors
• Brick or stone work
All related construction and improvements to be supported by the program must occur after the grant award. As deemed applicable, work must be approved Hyannis Main Street
Waterfront Historic District Commission (HHDC) before commencing.
Program Timeline
February 16, 2024 Applications Available
February 28, 2024 Program Information Session to be held via Zoom
March 24, 2024 Applications Due
March 2024 Application Review
April 1, 2024 Award Notifications
December 31, 2024 Deadline to Complete Work, Final Reports Due
Application Requirements
• Completed application – all application fields have been completed by the applicant and
competitive estimates for each proposed work item are included.
• Property ownership/permission – the applicant has provided proof of property ownership or a letter stating permission from owner to complete the proposed work.
• Demonstration of required match – the applicant has demonstrated the ability and willingnessto contribute at least 20% of the total project cost.
Reporting Requirements
Grant recipients must submit proof of payment for the match before grant funds are issued directly to the contractor. Grantees must also publicize their grant award to promote their project and the grant program.
Program Contact
Elizabeth Wurfbain, Executive Director for the Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District
Elizabeth@hyannismainstreet.com / 508-775-7982
1. What types of projects are eligible for this program?
➢ Any new improvement to primary front-facing commercial facades is eligible, such as:
o Signage
o Outdoor seating/Dining Improvements
o Exterior painting and/or Siding
o Landscaping and/or Planter Boxes
o Decorative features (shutters, awnings, etc.)
o Windows/Doors
o Brick or stone work
2. What properties are eligible for the program?
➢ Any commercial property located in the Hyannis TDI District is eligible.
3. Can I apply for the grant if I’m not the property owner?
➢ Yes but you will need to include a signed letter from the property owner authorizing the
application as well as a copy of your lease.
4. Do I need to include an estimate and rendering with my application?
➢ Yes, incomplete applications will not be accepted.
5. How many estimates do we need to provide?
➢ One estimate from a professional is sufficient.
6. Does the sketch/rendering of the project need to be professionally done?
➢ No, it can be a rough sketch as long as it accurately depicts the proposal.
7. Are there insurance or wage requirements for the contractors performing the work?
➢ No.
8. When do projects using grant funds need to be completed?
➢ By the end of the calendar year (12/31/24).
9. How will we receive the grant funds if awarded?
➢ Grants funds will be paid directly to the contractor performing the work after it’s completed.
10. What if my contractor requires a deposit?
➢ In this case we’d encourage you to pay for the deposit as your 20% matching funds for the project.
11. Am I eligible to apply if I previously received a façade grant?
➢ Yes, but new applicants will be given preference.
12. Who decides how funding will be awarded?
➢ An application review panel consisting of representatives from the BID, the Town, and
MassDevelopment will review applications based on the evaluation criteria listed in the
program guidelines.
- Country Garden (email martina@countrygarden.com, she can come and make an estimate and proposal with a drawing. Ex. take part in a program to have Country Garden deliver, plant, and change out the plants 4x a year.
See below for 2023 Grant Recipient Before and Afters